together we are 'more
Constitution of Newtonmore Camanachd Club
1) The Club shall be called the Newtonmore Camanachd Club
2) The objectives of the club are:
To foster and develop the game on an amateur basis.
To involve the communities of Newtonmore, Dalwhinnie and Laggan and any other interested communities in the running of the club.
To work in partnership with other community groups to further the aims of the club.
To preserve and make available to the wider public memorabilia and records related to the history of game of shinty in general and the Newtonmore Club in particular.
To promote shinty to residents and tourists as an integral part of local culture.
To work on behalf of the greater good of shinty throughout Scotland and beyond.
3] The Club shall be affiliated to the Camanachd Association.
4) The office-bearers shall consist of a President (who chairs the Executive Committee), Vice-President, Secretary,Treasurer and Child Protection Officer. A Chieftain will also be elected to an honorary position. The Chieftain will be kept abreast of club business through receiving minutes of the Committee.
5) With the exception of those matters reserved to the Annual General Meeting or a Special general Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Club in terms of this Constitution, the affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee comprising the Office bearers in clause 4 and up to seven Committee Members appointed at the Annual General Meeting or at any Special General Meeting called for the purpose. The Quorum for the Committee is five including at least two office bearers. Committee members may be allocated specific remits. The Committee may appoint sub-committees to report back to the Committee on specific issues.
6) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Child Protection Officer and the Committee Members appointed in terms of clause 5 shall hold office for three years from the date of appointment in accordance with the Constitution and all shall be eligible for re-election. The Chieftain will be appointed for the same period of time and is also eligible for re-election.
7) Nominations for the election of Office Bearers, Chieftain or Committee Members shall be proposed and seconded at the Annual general Meeting and the election thereof will be by a show of hands at the said Meeting. Any vacancy occurring in the course of the year may be filled by co-option. Such co-opted Office Bearer, Chieftain, or Committee Member shall retire at the following Annual General Meeting, but shall be eligible for re-election.
8) The Secretary and Treasurer shall keep detailed records of all transactions and business of the club and shall submit full Reports and a Financial Statement to the Annual general meeting or at any Special General Meeting. The Secretary will make arrangements to keep members and supporters updated on fixtures, events and any other matters of interest through the website, e-mail, Facebook.
9) The funds of the Club, which shall be solely used for furthering the objectives of the Club and for no other purpose, will be lodged in a Bank approved by the Executive Committee and the accounts shall be operated by the Treasurer and by cheques countersigned by one of three other office bearers. Electronic banking arrangements shall be specifically authorised and monitored by the Committee.
10) There shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting, coaches for the senior and junior teams as well as any other team run by the club. The Coaches for each team have authority for team selection and playing formation within the policies laid down by the committee. The coaches are accountable to the committee for their decisions.
11) All members of the Executive Committee are responsible for the organising of functions in aid of club funds. The Secretary is responsible for identifying and making applications to grant-giving bodies in support of Club activities.
12) The President shall preside at all meetings and have a deliberate and casting vote on all Club matters except team selection. In the Presidents absence another Office bearer shall be delegated the Presidents powers. If a team coach position is vacant or the coach is temporarily indisposed and there is no designated deputy, the President shall have full authority in team selection.
13) All persons of 18 years age and older shall be eligible for membership of the Club on payment of an annual fee as approved at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.
All players, coaching staff and Committee members shall make a contribution towards the cost of membership of the Camanachd Association and player/coach insurance. This is determined by the Committee on an annual basis. This payment must be made before the start of the season to enable players to be eligible to play for the club.
14) There is no club membership charge for players under 18. All players under the age of 18 make a contribution to the club towards Camanach Association membership, player insurance and the costs of equipment, coaching and travel. This is determined by the Committee on an annual basis.
15) All members are subject to the constitution of the Club and the regulations of the Camanachd Association.
16) No person shall be refused membership on the grounds of race, colour, creed, religion, sex, sexual preference, impairment or disability.
17) Copies of the Constitution, the Clubs Child Protection Policy and relevant Codes of Conduct are displayed on the Club notice board and website and are available on request . All new members receive copies on joining.
18) Only life members and members who have paid the annual fee for the current year shall be entitled to vote at any meeting.
19) The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting in every year, at a place, date and time to be fixed by the Executive Committee with 14 days notice to members. Notice of the said meeting will be displayed in the Clubhouse, in Public places throughout the villages of Newtonmore, Dalwhinnie and Laggan, by e-mail, Facebook or other electronic means and by advertisement in the local paper. The quorum for an Annual General Meeting (or Special General Meeting) is ten members.
20) The Annual General Meeting will receive and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM; present the clubs financial accounts for the year; receive the President’s report; present the clubs projected financial position and plans for the forthcoming year; elect office bearers, committee members and coaches plus consider any motions submitted in accordance with this clause. Only motions put forward by the Executive Committee and motions submitted in writing and signed by not less than ten members at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting will be considered at the meeting.
21) The Executive Committee may call a Special General Meeting of members to deal with any extraordinary business. A Special General Meeting may also be called on Requisition signed by not fewer the ten members lodged with the secretary and stating fully the business to be raised. Notice of any Special general meeting shall be in accordance with the arrangements for Annual General Meetings in clause 20. Not less than fourteen days notice of the date of any such meeting should be given to Club members.
22) Any decision by the Club on the matters specified in this clause are to be made only at the Annual General meeting or at a Special general meeting and then only if approved by a majority of the Club members present and voting at the said meeting. The matters referred to above are as follows:
i) Any alteration to or amendment of the Clubs Constitution.
ii) The Acquisition of Heritable Property by the Club.
iii) The granting of any security over property belonging to the Club.
iv) The granting of any form of guarantee by the Club.
v) The borrowing of any money by the Club for capital expenditure.
vi) The lending or gift of money by the Club.
vii) The expulsion of any member from the Club.
23) The Executive Committee may recommend to the Annual General meeting or to a Special General Meeting that the Club should be dissolved, but such a dissolution shall not take effect unless:
a) The recommendation has the approval of two thirds of the Club members present and voting at the said meeting.
b] The recommendation has the approval of a majority of persons [other than Club Members] of eighteen years and over residing in the villages and Districts of Newtonmore, Dalwhinnie and Laggan, present and voting at a meeting of such residents convened by the Executive Committee of the Club.
24) Should dissolution of the Club be approved the assets remaining after payment of debts and liabilities shall be applied in such a manner as may be decided by a majority of members present and voting at a meeting called for the purpose in accordance with Paragraph 23 above. Assets cannot be distributed amongst members but shall be given or transferred to a recognised not for profit organisation having similar objects to those of the Club.
Declaration It is hereby certified that this document represents a true and most up to date version of the Constitution of Newtonmore Camanachd Club.
President: Norman Macaurthur …………………………………………. December 2017
Secretary: Ian Gibson …………………………………………… December 2017